Hello! While this is technically Katy's blog, I told her I would post the info about the birth as soon as I could. So here it goes...at 8:11am on Monday, Dec. 31 Peyton Faith Beaver arrived. She was 7 lb 1 oz and 20 inches long. Both mom and baby are doing great and we hope to be home by late Wednesday. Since she had a C-section and its surgery, we have to stay here for a few days.
What about Caleb? He has no clue whatsoever. We introduced him to the Peyton and he was interested...for about a second.
Anyway, I'm sure there's more that I could tell you, but by nature I'm just not a true "blogger". But I did want to post a few pics for your enjoyment! I just hope the I don't get in trouble for this last one! And no, she hasn't been drinking (notice the red nose). The medicine made her so itchy she nearly scratched her nose off!