Hello! While this is technically Katy's blog, I told her I would post the info about the birth as soon as I could. So here it goes...at 8:11am on Monday, Dec. 31 Peyton Faith Beaver arrived. She was 7 lb 1 oz and 20 inches long. Both mom and baby are doing great and we hope to be home by late Wednesday. Since she had a C-section and its surgery, we have to stay here for a few days.
What about Caleb? He has no clue whatsoever. We introduced him to the Peyton and he was interested...for about a second.
Anyway, I'm sure there's more that I could tell you, but by nature I'm just not a true "blogger". But I did want to post a few pics for your enjoyment! I just hope the I don't get in trouble for this last one! And no, she hasn't been drinking (notice the red nose). The medicine made her so itchy she nearly scratched her nose off!
congrats! she is beautiful. glad you all are doing well.
She's beautiful! Katy, I understand about the itching, after my c-section I thought that I was going to scratch my face off. My family still makes fun of me for that! Anyway, I wanted to come see you guys but I've been sick so I thought that I wouldn't be a good idea! Glad that y'all are both doing well and hope to see y'all soon!
Congratulations! Peyton is beautiful! I love her name. It is so very beautiful - just as I know she will be. So glad you have a blog.
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